Monday, January 10, 2011

About me

*I have had a camera in my hand since I can remember, but didn't get serious about it until I had my babies!

*I have 3 boys-Oliver, Ian & Case

*I love to hunt and read and don't get to do either enough

*I was very blessed to marry into a wonderful and loving family.  They care for me like I didn't know in-laws could.  They are amazing supporters of my work and help me in someway everyday!  I couldn't do it with out them.

*I like to shoot (in the studio) in my socks.  Some days you may see some crazy ones!

*I love antiques and things found at flea markets!

*I love old fashioned peppermint sticks, chocolate covered coffee beans and mocha moolattes from Dairy Queen.  Oh, and I LOVE Taco John's.  I even made a commercial while working at a local Taco John's in High School!
*I think I have a wierd sense of humor.  I am slow to catch onto jokes and I can't tell a joke to save my life.  Well, except for this one.  "One guy walked into a bar.  The other one ducked!"

*In high school I was super involved in FFA.  I was an officer, a parlimentary procedure team member, I gave speeches on Piping Plovers and my favorite of team placed second at State in WELDING!  I am awesome at MIG and OA welding.
*Also in college, I worked as a Soil Survey Tech at the USDA, basically I ground up dirt from all over the world.  It was a "dirty job".

*My college degreees are in Agriculture.  Crops, Diversified Ag, AgEconomics and AgBusiness.

*I met my husband at SCC in Beatrice.  He tried to pick me up while eating Welch's fruit snacks and bragging about going mudding.  I love Welch's fruit snacks, mudding and Perry!

*I am a tomboy, plain & simple.  If I could wear a hat everyday, I would!

*I love trapshooting!

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