Friday, January 14, 2011

Silver Star Moms & Babies 2011!

Refer a new mom that has had a baby in 2011.  Mom's that book a session for their newborn receive 16 wallets.  The person who referred them also gets 16 wallets from an existing or new session!  The FIRST referrer & mom get a special surprise!  Limited available session dates through the end of January.

First Mommy Jen and baby G are going to get something really cool!  Hope she likes it!  Thanks Donna and Tiff for the referral!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Open House Specials through 01/19/2011




My open house was amazing!  I wasn't sure what to expect.  I knew people were sick and there were ball games in town, but so many people showed up!  I was tickled pink! 

I gave away several cake pans with my logo on them.  These came from Grafted Tree Engraving in O'Neill and were awesome!  They came with cookie mixes that Oliver and I had made for his preschool classmates and home made soap from local creator Curie Mincer  Next was a custom photo bracelet and a free sitting fee!

Here were the winners!
Large cake pan, cookie mix, soap-Phyllis L.
Medium cake pan, cookie mix, soap-Linda H.
Custom Photo Bracelet-Karla S.
Free Sitting Fee-Brenda D. 
Thanks to everyone for entering the drawings!

My best friend from high school, Jenny, she is amazing, she came on Wednesday and became my nanny/cook/egg picker/lunch room enforcer.  She was everything I didn't know I needed!  Barb & Amelia helped watch the boys.  Mom made curtains.  Dad hung backdrops and pictures.  Perry & Kirk moved snow, several times!  I had other friends drive 4 hours just to visit for the evening! 

Thanks everyone for a wonderful evening!

Let me know what your favorite picture or product was!

My Logo

Monday, January 10, 2011

About me

*I have had a camera in my hand since I can remember, but didn't get serious about it until I had my babies!

*I have 3 boys-Oliver, Ian & Case

*I love to hunt and read and don't get to do either enough

*I was very blessed to marry into a wonderful and loving family.  They care for me like I didn't know in-laws could.  They are amazing supporters of my work and help me in someway everyday!  I couldn't do it with out them.

*I like to shoot (in the studio) in my socks.  Some days you may see some crazy ones!

*I love antiques and things found at flea markets!

*I love old fashioned peppermint sticks, chocolate covered coffee beans and mocha moolattes from Dairy Queen.  Oh, and I LOVE Taco John's.  I even made a commercial while working at a local Taco John's in High School!
*I think I have a wierd sense of humor.  I am slow to catch onto jokes and I can't tell a joke to save my life.  Well, except for this one.  "One guy walked into a bar.  The other one ducked!"

*In high school I was super involved in FFA.  I was an officer, a parlimentary procedure team member, I gave speeches on Piping Plovers and my favorite of team placed second at State in WELDING!  I am awesome at MIG and OA welding.
*Also in college, I worked as a Soil Survey Tech at the USDA, basically I ground up dirt from all over the world.  It was a "dirty job".

*My college degreees are in Agriculture.  Crops, Diversified Ag, AgEconomics and AgBusiness.

*I met my husband at SCC in Beatrice.  He tried to pick me up while eating Welch's fruit snacks and bragging about going mudding.  I love Welch's fruit snacks, mudding and Perry!

*I am a tomboy, plain & simple.  If I could wear a hat everyday, I would!

*I love trapshooting!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Holiday Greeting Cards

Finally, finally, got my little family together for our family picture!  This was supposed to be done weeks before Christmas, but thanks to the stomach flu it got postponed.  Anyway, it's ready now for all to enjoy!  Hope everyone has a beautiful day!