Saturday, February 5, 2011

Investing in the history of your family-Atkinson, NE Photography

Photographers call the money spent on family portraits as an "investment".  I'd like to clarify that.  To me it is an investment in the HISTORY OF MY FAMILY.  I remember the oval portraits of my ancestors hanging on the basement walls at my Grandpa Kunc's house and when thinking about these, I thought of it as a great way to help people understand what we mean by an "investment".  Years down the road, loved ones will reminisce about family memories and be so appreciative of the money & care you put into preserving such special moments. 

Investments don't need to be diamond engagement rings, rental property or farm ground.  If it were me, I'd want a picture of my family, wearing my grandmother's engagement ring, standing in a field of soybeans that has been in my family for 100 years!

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